Friday, October 16, 2020

October 16th 2020

 Happy Friday!

Here is a summary of what we did this week.  It is always advised to review with your child what they have seen in class.  Handouts, answer keys, notes and assignments given during the week are posted on Google Classroom almost every day.

School library: The library is open! This year, students will be able to borrow books from the library by ordering their books online, thanks to Mrs. Fitz! There will be no class time to order books; students should do this at home. Here is the link to order your library books: 

What can be done at home to improve language and math skills : 
Important notice: 
  • Photo retake : October 22nd

Due dates: 
  • ''Termes grammaticaux'' due for October 23rd.

Marks posted on Power School: 
  • ELA : Bill Nye - Wetlands, Acrostic poem
  • Math : Estimation, rounding numbers, addition and subtraction evaluation 

Math : We started the multiplication and division unit.  It is important that students practice their timetable.

ELA: Students continued working on their story during our Writer's Workshop and their spelling activity.  We worked on conjunctions.

Writer's Workshop text: The best thing ever

FLA:  Students should have finished typing their wetland creature's text in Google Docs.  If they haven't they should finish it at home.  The presentations of their creature will start Monday.

Social Studies: We discussed about the history of the Atlantic region, such as when French explorers founded Port-Royal and Acadia, the Great Deportation of the Acadians and the conflict between the English colonies and French colonies.

Wetland creatures: Pictures of their wonderful work!

Have a nice weekend!

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Yearbook signing!

In Google Classroom, there is a link to Jostens' Yearbook signing page! Students need to create an account (was done at school this Frid...